2025 Conference

"Embracing The Shift"

Day 1, Wednesday May 21st, 2025 

Day 1 focuses on the rising demand for geothermal heating and cooling in multi-residential real estate and the public sector as a key solution for reducing greenhouse gases. Tailored for developers and public sector professionals including Healthcare, education and municipalities. Sessions will cover large-scale projects, system design, installation, costs, maintenance, and long-term efficiency.


Day 2, Thursday May 22nd, 2025 

Day 2 is tailored for low-rise builders and contractors, showcasing the latest innovations in geothermal heating and cooling. Attendees will explore advancements in design, installation, and maintenance, hear key OGA announcements, and network with industry leaders. The day features keynote speakers, hands-on workshops, and valuable insights.

OGA 2025 conference
Geothermal “Embracing The Shift”

Wednesday May 21st & Thursday May 22nd, 2025

Location: York University – Accolade East Building


MTP 0924 Tony Cupido_2436-1
Tony Cupido
Jack DiEnna


7:30 AMRegistration Open Registration Open
8:00 AMBreakfast Breakfast & Networking
9:00 AM10 mins Welcome Welcome from OGA
9:15 AM45 mins Keynote Bill MacGowan KEYNOTE
Data harvesting from your Geothermal system to make your building more efficient
10:00 AM30 mins Break Out Sessions Nicole Granath – Impacts of embodied carbon on the HVAC industry – Room C066

Dante Mancuso – Importance of health and safety to the HVAC industry – Room C233

Tony Capido & Stan Reitsma – Mohawk College Geothermal system, the story and case study – Room C125

Michael Ridler – Technology update for the residential HVAC market – Room C121

Wade Griffin – Opportunity for Geothermal in Indigenous communities – Room C123
10:30 AM30 minsAM Coffee Break Coffee Break & Networking
11:00 AM45 mins Keynote Fernando Carou KEYNOTE
The challenges of implementing low carbon technologies into a master plan, affordable housing environment
1145 AM60 mins LUNCHLunch & Networking
12:45 PM45 mins Keynote Bram Atlin KEYNOTE
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Implementing Geothermal Solutions in High Rise Developments
1:30 PM30 mins Break Out Sessions Diana Cartwright – Process for the Geothermal business outside of Canada – Room C066

Patrick Marion – Geothermal in a subdivision, a case of success – Room C121

Jeremy Tessier – CMHC programs and how they apply to the Geothermal industry – Room C123

Andrei Hari – Buildings and Geothermal optimization – Room C125

Martin Luymes – Government relations update on Geothermal – Room C233
2:00 PM30 mins Jeff Hammond A Message from IGSHPA
2:30 PM15 mins David BrodrechtKEYNOTE
OGA Drilling Guidelines of Municipalities
2:45 PM30 Mins PM Coffee Break Coffee Break & Networking
3:15 PM45 mins Keynote Tim Weber KEYNOTE
Under building geothermal
4:00 PM60 mins Keynote PanelPanel includes representatives from Enwave, Creative Energy and Corix. Moderated by John Rathbone of Rathco Engineering.
5:00 PM15 minsClosing remarksMessage from OGA & Paul Frith
5:15 PM4 hours Reception Cocktail reception

About OGA

The Ontario Geothermal Association (OGA)was established in June of 2009. The Ontario Geothermal Association is a not-for-profit organization representing geothermal energy system designers, drillers, installers, equipment manufacturers and distributors to advance Ontario’s geothermal heating and cooling industry. The OGA strives to be a bridge between consumers, government and industry professionals while acting as a voice to increase awareness for the importance of working towards the use of a greener, cleaner, and self-sustainable energy source.


Great minds spark great conversations, The OGA conference is known as an excellent networking opportunity for forging new partnerships and future collaborations.

Audience Profile

OGA’s Audience includes, large Ontario Municipalities, the Development Community, Geothermal Community, Educational Sector, Healthcare Providers, Multi Residential, Commercial and Institutional Home Builder and all levels of Government.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Conference will be held at York University on Wednesday May 21st and Thursday May 22nd 2025. This conference will provide sponsors an opportunity to showcase their own ideas, products and services while demonstrating their commitment to working towards the use of a greener, cleaner, and self-sustainable energy source.

Activating your Sponsorship

Working with OGA’s Event Management team, we will help you activate your sponsorship through our various communications platforms including social media and OGA’s newsletter. Below are several sponsorship opportunities — each with various engagement options. Of course, we also open to your suggestions and welcome your creative ideas on elevating your brand at our conference.



sign up for our newsletter

    Sponsorship Inquiries

    Paul Frith


    Conference Planner and Information

    Jen McKennitt


    © 2025 Ontario Geothermal Association. All Rights Reserved.